patch 0.3

First post-jam update!

I didn't want to change much as the winners haven't been decided yet, so this is just general QOL stuff aside from one new addition.

QOL changes:

  • You can skip the intro cutscene with [E]
  • Better and more accurate throwing physics
  • enviromental changes to remove skips and make puzzles clearer
  • Animated grass!
  • you can now torch in multiple directions 
  • fixed a bug that made Darkfruit explode on unfrozen thorns
  • added extra effects and sounds to last level
  • added ending NPC dialogue

Now for the exciting new addition: Spirits!

Spirits can be picked up throughout the levels and will be tallied up at the end. can you find them all?

Files Play in browser
33 days ago

Get The Dark Side of the Room

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