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A member registered Jul 01, 2021

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thanks so much for the tips! I had a suspicion I was underlevelled

And here's the fight. I'm sorry for the late reply, I thought for some reason that I'd replied already

Here's the stats

I'm in the second dungeon but everything seems way to high-level for me. I'm stuck at his robot in the room after the boulder; I can't even reach half health before running out of all my soup, potions and mp. Am i really just supposed to beat my head against a wall hoping it just misses all its attacks for the entire fight?

So I'm kinda confused on how finished the game is. Has the story ended? Is it even still being worked on?

Ok there's no bug and I'm just dumb. I thought your custom character was supposed to automatically replace the default zardy sprite, I didn't even know there were other mod characters you could choose from the dropdown menu. My bad.

I have no idea how the character creator works. I import the files and connect the correct animations and pivot point, export and then what? the only way to leave the menu is by clicking escape and then the character still doesn't work. Searching up anything about this mod is impossible too because of the name.